New Year Everyone,
here we are – 20 fucking 12. The past year was a whirlwind of love
lost and found and lost again, old jobs gone and new ones begun. New
friends and beautiful women. Amazing new places visited and the food
in those places consumed with gusto and that's the thing: In and
amongst the crazy fucking world that is my life there was always the
food. Goddamn did I eat some amazing food last year. Unfortunately I
didn't have the where-with-all to keep a journal, write it down or
blog about it. So hopefully by the end of this year I will have an up
to date and detailed account of my epicurean adventures and the highs
and lows of working in the food industry alongside my fantastic crazy
fun life.
like to thank anyone that sticks it out as this burgeoning blog grows
and hopefully flourishes. It's gonna take some time to flesh out but
I guarantee great stories and great food.
that vein let's kick it off with a post on New Years and working the
line on New Years Day at one of the few eateries open for brunch.
2012. 9am.
roll out of bed having crashed there round 4am. I'd started the night
at my best friend Simon's home where much karaoke and merriment was
had. The 6 tall cans of Old Milwaukee, 2 glasses of champagne and 3
ounces of bourbon give-or-take type of merriment.
mouth down-turned I bid the kids farewell at around 1am stopping in
at Tyrell Jared Shaw's place which is just around the corner from my
place. A fellow cook, Jared will be joining me at the end of January
as my new flatmate as well. Jared and I met on our first day at Save
On and we hit it off immediately. We share an interesting
relationship based on food, women and the general enabling of each
others more base demands of a liquid and powdered variety. Living
together we both hope to not be dead by June, as summer 2012 should
be a good one.
his place was overrun by drunken youth and the macbook that was
spitting out Robyn tracks featured a nice new spiderweb of cracks
along the upper corner. Jared sees me and we embrace glassy eyed. I
ask if he has any booze and he hands me a bottle of Wild turkey with
a good 8 or 9 ounces left in it. I thank him profusely and pour 3oz
into a glass. There's no ice so I sip the fowl liquor at room
temperature. I hand him the bottle and he gives it back to me... Fair
enough. I make my way around the house. Plenty of Save on Kids to say
hello to as well as other acquaintances. Playing cards litter the
main room and no one can explain the how or why of it. I play DJ on
the broken yet functional laptop and we dance the night away.
had locked into my head that I had to work at 10am and was being
relatively responsible given my usual proclivities when it come to
New Years Eve. So when 3:30am came on I took towards home. The night
had passed quickly and although many people had left others were just
arriving as I left. By this time Jared had been intercepted by Megan,
his server-at-work-fuck-buddy/girlfriend-he-won't-admit-to, and I
hadn't seen him in an hour or so.
equalled lying on the couch and eating 3 slices of cold Megabite
Pizza left over from the past day of recovering from the 40 hour
party that was my birthday which is always more epic than both
Christmas and New Years (But I suppose that might be another post...)
I through some sort of media on and gorged on cold congealed
carbohydrates... (another post to follow!) I risked passing out on
the couch but made it to my bed and set my alarm which dutifully woke
me from a dreamless sleep at 9am.
pizza and straight bourbon had come back to haunt me like the ghosts
of New Years Past. My guts were rotting and felt flooded with acid, I
managed to brush the night off my teeth and drank 2 glasses of water.
The sun was up and thank fuck there was no rain. As I headed to work,
I popped in my headphones, Radiohead making the grey morning much
more manageable.
walking down the alley behind S.O.M to get in through the back
entrance. 3 doors down in the massive newly renovated space I can
hear the bass pulsing as techno still drives some chemically driven
youth to dance into the new year. A few haggard people mill about
looking sweaty and nearly vibrating as the drugs continue their hold,
their pupils dilated and eclipsing retinas wild and crazed they have
welcomed the Year of the Degenerate with arms, mouths and nostrils
wide open.
door is locked.
the neighbourhood and the neighbours I'm not surprised. I pound on
the door. Nothing. Again. Nothing. I text Jason, the head Chef.
Nothing. Josh, the front of house manager. nothing. I end up googling
our number. Why I don't have it in my phone is just from never
needing to call - remedied. I call Josh and he has Caylen let me in,
not a single word out of her sarcastic mouth. I'm happy.
my older, Vietnamese compatriot in the battle against the demands of
the hungry masses has the line nearly set as I get downstairs in my
whites. This is good as I have no idea what to expect. Doors open at
ten and I will be running the pass from 10 till 6. All brunch all
day baby!!! In my position I will be cooking all the eggs, running
the fryer and be in charge of all food going out across the pass
which means plating, checking consistency and quality and timing. No
biggie right?
bill of the day comes in at 10:02; 2 burgers, poutines on both, fried
egg on one burger, avocado on the other. Someone needs hangover food
– this is a trend I hope will not continue to excess. A few more
bills and all is quiet... “Maybe,” I think, “It will be dead
all day.. Everyone sitting at home recovering... Then the phone
begins to ring. And ring. And ring.
we're open...” Is always the answer and then it happens.
begin to roll in. Working a line in a busy diner is a feat of
multi-tasking unappreciated by many people who haven't worked in
kitchens and some who have depending on the kitchen and the amount of
people working in it. A chit pops up and I have to look at every
dish, determine what is specifically needed and how long each element
will take and how it's is broken up between the three of us working
the line. I call out the requisite parts of the order to those making
them and I then have to time all the disparate parts to make sure
they come together in a cohesive and timely fashion. One fuck up can
kill a whole bill as we struggle to hold food hot and fix the error.
I have a new found respect for anyone who cooks me and my friends
brunch at any high volume restaurant. We can seat around 60 people in
the restaurant and when we are full it is a constant blur of motion
as work to make sure every dish is sent out hot, quickly and with the
others at it's table. This is difficult when every table is
constantly being replaced by another. I had at a variety of times
more than 8 eggs Benny sets being cooked at differing doneness levels
as well as being able to only cook around three sets of eggs in a pan
- yet a white out of egg orders across my chit board. Our flat top
is dominated by pancakes and steaks and bacon and sausage and
hamburgers keep coming in which at least I don't have to cook and
decisions are made to bump orders that will take longer and screw ups
bump bills along the bar and I'm fucking hungover. Fuck.
coffee, oh thank fuck for the coffee. And litres and litres of water.
chaos continued from 11:30 until 5pm when we closed the doors. It was
only 5 hours but it was 5 hours of pure barely controlled chaos and I
only stepped off the line twice. Once to piss and once when Shay
relieved me for a five minute break to get my head straight. It was
probably the craziest 8 hours I have ever spent in a kitchen or at a
we did it all over again today.
sucked worse. It wasn't as busy and I wasn't at all hungover but I
was in a shitty mood and you know, a shitty mood made it all the
more unbearable. Every server error or request was a personal attack
on my person. I ran the shit out of the pass today though and I don't
think any food went out over 15 minutes with most food beating the
bar. (Food made it out to a table before drinks). The unfortunate
lesson I subconsciously learned is it may be better to be hungover
and Happy than not hungover and unhappy... Uh-oh.
sucky as it was at times, this is what I do. I cook, and it seems I'm
pretty good at it and getting better. The feeling at the end of 8 or
9 or 10 hours of this insanity is masochistic at best but I keep
going back to it and it must be because I love it. I love the people:
the fucked up chemical dependent social misfits of a kitchen are some
of the most in your face honest people I have ever met and I will
take that over office politics any day. We aren't a perfect Utopian
family and there is much anger, hatred, frustration, bitching and
people talking about each other behind their backs, under-cutting each
other as we work to rise up the food chain but it's always honest and
when it comes down to a day like new years brunch at one of the only
places in the neighbourhood open everyone comes together like and we
just get it done. Anyway we can.
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